Wherever you are in your home buying journey, we’re here to support you every step of the way. We know that buying your first home is a big decision and the mortgage process can seem overwhelming. That’s why we break down the mortgage journey for you so you can understand the different steps and the support available to you along the way from our dedicated mortgage team.

If you ask one of our Mortgage Advisors which clients they enjoy working with the most, it’s assisting our First Time Buyers. Helping a client buy their first home makes our day! We are on your side, we will cut through the jargon, search the whole market and find the best product for your needs and budget. We have even produced a free First Time buyer pack to help you, click on the button below to receive yours.

You’ll be classified as a first-time buyer if you – and anyone you are buying with – are purchasing your first residential property. If you’ve owned a house or flat before – in the UK or abroad – you’re unlikely to be eligible for many of the schemes designed to help first time buyers on to the property ladder.

Know how much you can afford to pay. This includes not only the total price of the house, but the monthly payments, as well. Do not be fooled by the monthly amount the lender tells you that you can afford; that number is usually high enough to be well beyond most buyers’ comfort zones.